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Daylight Saving Time 2024: Your Guide to Navigating Time Changes – Better Sleep Council

March 22, 2024 by  
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As winter fades and spring approaches, Daylight Saving Time (DST) in 2024 once again becomes a topic of interest. The tradition of “springing forward” in March and “falling back” in November could see a significant change with the consideration of the Sunshine Protection Act, which raises the concept of making Daylight Saving Time permanent. So what if we could enjoy that extra hour of daylight all year round? As we question this possibility, let’s unpack what DST is all about, how it affects us, and what changes might be on the horizon.

Understanding Daylight Saving Time

Daylight Saving Time was created to extend evening daylight and reduce the need for artificial light. The idea, originating from George Vernon Hudson’s 1895 proposal, gained popularity as a way to save energy during World War I. Still today, the practice involves setting our clocks forward by one hour in the spring and back by one hour in the fall, although not every state in the US observes Daylight Saving Time.

Daylight Saving Time and Your Health and Wellbeing

Adjusting our clocks can throw off our body’s internal timekeeper, or circadian rhythm. Poor sleep – or having a disrupted sleep pattern – can influence different aspects of our health, from how we manage stress and our mood, to more physical concerns like heart health. Recognizing the connection between sleep and health is more important than ever during changes like Daylight Saving Time. By embracing good sleep habits and making small changes to our environment, we can help ease the transition into and out of DST, keeping our bodies and minds in better harmony throughout the year.

Adjusting to the Daylight Saving Time Change

Adapting to DST doesn’t have to be a struggle. Our detailed guides on adjusting to daylight saving time offer tailored advice for easily navigating the adjustments. Here are some pointers to help you transition smoothly:

  • Ease into the change – Start adjusting your sleep schedule by 10-15 minutes each day leading up to the time change. This can help minimize the impact on your sleep pattern.
  • Seek out morning light – Exposure to natural light in the morning can help reset your internal clock and make it easier to wake up.
  • Establish a relaxing nighttime routine – Limit screen time and create a calming environment to wind down before bed.
  • Keep a consistent sleep schedule – Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day can help regulate your body’s clock.
  • Optimize your bedroom environment – Make sure your sleeping space is conducive to rest, keeping it cool, dark, and quiet.

A Closer Look at The Sunshine Protection Act

The Sunshine Protection Act is a piece of legislation that’s sparking a lot of discussions. It aims to make daylight saving time the new standard, eliminating the need to change our clocks twice a year. Supporters believe this could lead to better mental health, more consistent energy usage, and even economic benefits by aligning our daily activities more closely with daylight hours.

State Responses to Daylight Saving Time

Different states have different responses to Daylight Saving Time. Arizona and Hawaii don’t participate in the time change, while states like Florida and California have expressed interest in adopting DST year-round, pending federal approval. The mix of approaches to DTS is a reflection of the geographic, economic, and social factors involved. 

Here’s a closer look at state-level responses to DST:

  • Arizona and Hawaii – These states do not observe DST and have remained on standard time year-round, citing reasons like energy conservation and minimal benefit from additional evening daylight.
  • California – Passed a proposition allowing the legislature to change policy as long as federal law changes, paving the way for a possible permanent DST
  • Florida – The “Sunshine Protection Act” passed in 2018 keeps DST going throughout the year. That said, it needs federal clearance to take effect.
  • Oregon, Washington, and Idaho – In these states, adopting DST year-round is conditional on the approval of Congress.
  • Texas – There has been a legislative discussion about abolishing DST altogether, favoring standard time throughout the year.
  • New England States – Several states in this region have considered shifting to the Atlantic Time Zone and opting out of DST, giving them an extra hour of daylight in the evening.
  • Tennessee and Arkansas – These states had passed resolutions adopting DST year-round pending federal permission.

Preparing for Daylight Saving Time Changes Ahead

As 2024 unfolds, the idea of adopting Daylight Saving Time (DST) permanently encourages us to consider how our lives are intertwined with the cycles of time and light. Finding effective ways to adjust to time changes is crucial. Whether the Sunshine Protection Act becomes law or not, being prepared to adapt is important for our well-being. This conversation sheds light, no pun intended, on our connection to the environment as well as our need for flexibility in our daily routines. Embracing change, finding balance, and ensuring our health and happiness are in sync with time are fundamental steps to a well-rounded life.

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